
January is National Thyroid Awareness Month

The symptoms of a challenged thyroid effect all systems within the body creating tension, stress, and pain. It is important to speak with your doctor should you suspect a malfunctioning thyroid. Test your thyroid awareness by looking for these complications.

Signs of Thyroid Complications

  • Changes to hair consistency
  • Intolerance to Heat or Cold
  • Enlarged Thyroid
  • Digestive Problems
  • Hand Tremors or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Weight Gain or Loss for no reason
  • Heartbeat changed
  • Poor Memory

Once the specific thyroid malfunction is determined, massage may benefit thyroid patient health and wellness.

  1. Reduction to Client Symptoms
  2. Improved blood and lymphatic circulation
    Proper blood and lymphatic flow is vital for all endocrine organs, such as the thyroid.
  3. Reduced inflammation
    Research through the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, California, and McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, indicates that massage therapy may create a result similar to anti-inflammatory medications at a cellular level.
  4. Reduced Stress
    This benefit can decrease cortisol and other stress hormones to help manage weight healthily.
  5. Increased Muscle Strength
    A Swedish massage foundation can enhance the size, strength and stamina of muscle tissue while combat fatigue and weakness

Please note that the information presented here is not intended to replace advice from a medical professional.

References: Jimmy Gialelis, L.M.T., B.C.T.M.B., Massage Magazine