
Massage Therapy Techniques

There are many types of massage therapy techniques from around the globe. Each carries its own unique intentions.

Licensed Massage Therapist Katrina Brocka’s foundation is Swedish massage- developed originally as “medical gymnastics” and often considered the basis for modern Sports massage.

In addition, she incorporates Deep Tissue massage techniques. Contrary to popular belief, Deep Tissue bodywork is not intended to “beat up the client” or hurt. Rather, it is a series of strokes that focus attention to the muscle attachments that lie underneath superficial muscles.

Katrina’s toolbox is a mix of Western and Eastern philosophies that include Pregnancy/ Side-Lying routines, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranio-Sacral techniques, Trigger Point therapy, Myofacial Release, and Reflexology. Her education also included Business Ethics, Herbology and Aromatherapy studies.

Book your Studio Q 360 massage today! Call 515.689.4754