
Cold, Flu and Infection Massage Precautions

It’s Cold, Flu, Virus & Infection Season!


Did you know that getting a massage while sick can actually make you feel worse?

When your body is fighting off an infection or virus, all systems in your body are on high alert. Less important systems slow down to give extra power to immune responses.

Massage Therapy is also known to effect every system in your body. Under normal conditions this is a positive but not when your body is already depleted of resources and is too busy keeping you alive to handle what can be perceived as another attack on the systems.


Do I need to Reschedule?

Generally, if you’re questioning if Massage is a good idea, its best to postpone rather than risk your health and that of fellow clients. Ask yourself these questions to determine if you should reschedule your massage:

  • How long have you had your symptoms?
  • Did you miss work because of your symptoms?
  • Do you have a fever?
  • Do you have a persistent cough
  • Is your throat scratchy or sore?
  • Is your phlegm discolored?
  • Do you feel exhausted or weak?
  • Does your body ache?
  • Do you have a headache?
  • Are you sniffling or congested, or do you feel pressure around the eyes?
  • Are you taking any medications to treat your symptoms?
  • Are you under a Doctor’s care?


Timeline Precautions

See a doctor if you’re not feeling well to best determine if you’re struggling with a cold, flu, or infection. Then, reschedule your appointment following these guidelines.

  • 5 days without Cold symptoms. Remember, colds can last up to 10 days.
  • 5 days after your Fever breaks and you are symptom free. Some illnesses fluctuate between good and bad days.
  • 7-10 days after you finish your course of antibiotics, longer if multiple courses of antibiotics are required.


One last thing.

I know how frustrating it is to get sick, so don’t worry about missing or being charged for the appointment.

Just let me know via text or a phone call that you’re sick and will need to reschedule. My top priority is your health and wellness!

So grab your Kleenex, rest up, and take care- we’ll see you when you’re feeling better!