
Cold, Flu and Infection Massage Precautions

It’s Cold, Flu, Virus & Infection Season! Did you know that getting a massage while sick can actually make you feel worse? When your body is fighting off an infection or virus, all systems in your body are on high alert. Less important systems slow down to give extra power to immune responses. Massage Therapy is also known to effect every system in your body. Under normal conditions this is a positive but not when your body is already depleted of resources and is too busy keeping you alive to […]

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Massage Therapy Ideal for Pain Management

New Research Supports Massage Therapy for Pain Management Pain is multi-dimensional and may be better addressed through an integrative approach. It is the number one reason people seek medical attention. Pain accounts for approximately 80 percent of physician visits. New research states that people who receive massage to help manage their symptoms show significant improvements against pain, anxiety and improved quality of life. This is the conclusion of a collaborative meta-analysis of research on massage therapy for pain conducted by the Samueli Institute and commissioned by the Massage Therapy Foundation, […]

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Caution: Essential Oils Overdose Possible

 Courtesy of Amy Kreydin, The Barefoot Dragonfly Why essential oils are not water flavoring agents About once a month or every three weeks I have a client complaining of right-sided abdominal pain, lethargy, joint pain, and indigestion. At some point they mention they’ve been adding essential oils in their drinking water because their neighbor said it would make water taste better or help them lose weight (or cure ebola). I try to restrain my initial alarm and calmly explain that essential oils and water don’t mix, literally, and that they’re really […]

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Massage Relieves Cancer Pains

Massage Therapy Beneficial in Cancer Care

Integration of massage therapy into cancer care relieves pain and improves mood in cancer patients and caregivers The American Medical Association and other outlets shows how cancer patients may benefit from massage therapy. Recent research shows massage therapy can reduce pain, stress, nausea, depression, distress, anxiety and fatigue, while improving health related quality of life for cancer patients. A recent meta-analysis of nearly 600 cancer patients found massage therapy significantly reduced pain compared to the conventional standard-of-care alone, and was particularly effective in eradicating surgery-related pain. Increased Quality of Life A […]

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January is National Thyroid Awareness Month

The symptoms of a challenged thyroid effect all systems within the body creating tension, stress, and pain. It is important to speak with your doctor should you suspect a malfunctioning thyroid. Test your thyroid awareness by looking for these complications. Signs of Thyroid Complications Changes to hair consistency Intolerance to Heat or Cold Enlarged Thyroid Digestive Problems Hand Tremors or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Weight Gain or Loss for no reason Heartbeat changed Poor Memory Once the specific thyroid malfunction is determined, massage may benefit thyroid patient health and wellness. Reduction […]

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